Hi! ✌
One of the favorite series I had when I was little was "31 minutos", I loved this serie and even if I have the opportunity to watch it I still do, because I still like it.
I remember watching it on saturdays with my dad in bed, he would bring me breakfast and we would go to bed together to watch it. I remember that one of the reasons why I liked that serie was because watching it meant that I was going to spend some quality time with my dad. I also really liked the colors and shapes of the characters, I loved that they were puppets! And I think the main reason why I like the serie was because of the songs and the stories that each episode told. I think that "31 minutos", besides entertaining, had a very strong educational and critical character in each chapter and I think that is what attracts the attention of adults and children and also generates pleasure when watching it because it teaches you in an entertaining way.
Thinking now about the series and movies I watch I don't think I have any particular story that I like more than others, I think my criteria for the different stories of movies and series is "if it catches me, I like it and therefore, I keep watching it". However, maybe I could say that horror stories are the stories I like the least because I'm very fearful, but anyway from time to time I watch this kinf of stories.
Regarding whether it is good to have a TV in the room I think that in my case I would say yes, because I'm one of those people who need to do their things always with some background sound so when I order or I'm just in my room I usually use the TV to play music or a series or movies that I have already seen and leave it in the background and that way I concentrate on what I have to do or just hang out.
Finally, I would like to say that I am one of those people who find it hard to choose what to watch, so I usually watch movies or series that I have already seen until I get bored (sometimes), That's why I've decided to start following on instagram different pages where they recommend movies or series, and so far it has worked quite well for me in choosing what to watch.

my favorite character 👆
It can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!, what memories, they were very good